Aamjiwnaang First Nation
Consultation to Principal/Education Coordinator
Full training for all classroom and daycare staff on the FUNCTIONS OF BEHAVIOUR
Training on Self Regulation for children and adults
1:1 private coaching sessions for indigenous families coping through the pandemic of 2020
1:1 private coaching sessions for families affected by autism and practical behavioural strategies to use immediately
Goal setting seminars for the Education and Wellness Staff as a group
Staff Executive Coaching Program to build resilience, leadership and reduce stress during the pandemic, working from home
Classroom consultation with teaching, resource, support staff on instructional and environmental strategies in keeping alignments with the Good Teachings
2021 : EDI Project - Lead on the Early Development Instrument project - a document that provides an analysis and snapshot of children's developmental health at school entry. Aamjiwnaang First Nation results showed a gap in emotional maturity readiness so a framework is being put in place to increase scores by next assessment including data and meaningful activities
2021 : EDI Project -increased focus on culture and language development
JK/SK Policy writing for Special Education including Roles & Responsibilities of Staff
Training of Resource staff and structure of new resource room
Implementation of a Social Skills program for children aged 2-6 years old
Professional and personal completion of indigenous initiatives and cultural programming training
Interaction and presence on facebook community
Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig Elementary School
Walpole Island First Nation Community
All staff training on Functions of Behaviour and Self Regulation, Universal Supports
Individual coaching for staff and administration on behavioural strategies
Classroom support and consultation, modeling
Behavioural data collection and analysis
Attend admin and resource meetings as consultation
Child and Youth Worker training and guidance
Attend school base team meetings as behaviour consultant
Parent coaching for autism strategies
Teacher Supply for Classroom
Connection and Creating Pathways with Indigenous Leaders
Indigenous Urban Population "Cool Kids"
Women's Equity in Business - Helping all women succeed
Focus on : Holistic / Equity / Spiritual / Balance
Diversity and Inclusion for all
Learning about the Good Life Teachings : Kindness, Generosity, Truth, Belief
Stay tuned!
Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am
Something in the works!
Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am
Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am